Twenty-Eight Pounds Ten Shillings : A Windrush Story by Patrick Vernon

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After World War Two England was on her knees, so the call went out to theBritish Empire for volunteers to help rebuild the 'Mother Country'. Young menand women from different Caribbean islands were quick to respond, payingthe considerable sum of GBP28.10s to board HMT Empire Windrush - the 'shipof dreams' that would take them to their new lives. The motives and back-stories of these West Indian people is a key part of theWindrush story, one that has never been fully told. This powerful narrativereveals what happened on board that ship, which was packed with young,excited people who had never before left their parents, their parishes - letalone their islands. In the course of the memorable two-week voyage therewere parties, friendships made and broken, fights, gambling, racism, sex -and discussions of God and love
Binding: Paperback / softback

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