The (Big) Year that Flew By : Twelve Months, Six Continents, and the Ultimate Birding Record by Arjan Dwarshuis

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This is an epic journey by a man who?_Ts not only obsessed with birds but who has a deep spiritual connection with the planet.' David Lindo, author of How to be an Urban BirderThe (Big) Year Flew By is the tale of one avid birder?_Ts epic, record-breaking adventure through 40 countries over 6 continents ?_" in just 365 days ?_" to see 6,852 bird species, many on the precipice of extinction. Would Arjan Dwarshuis be able to break the coveted ?_~Big Year?_T record, travelling around the world, navigating shifting climate emergencies and geopolitical challenges? His incredible and perilous journey took him over uninhabited islands, through dense, unforgiving rainforests, across snowy mountain peaks and into unrelenting deserts in a single year ?_" pursuing a single goal. The (Big) Year that Flew By is an unforgettable, personal exploration of the limits of human potential when engaging with the natural world. It is a book about birds and birding and Arjan?_Ts attempts to raise awareness for critically endangered species, but it is also a book about overcoming mental challenges, extreme physical danger and human competition and fully realising your passions through nature, adventure and conservation.
Binding: Paperback / softback

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