Are You Judging Me Yet? : Poetry and Everyday Sexism by Kim Moore

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This collection of lyric essays by award-winning poet Kim Moore explore the dynamics of performing poetry as a female poet ?_" confronting the implications of being a female on public display, with the connotations of sexual objectification, in a context that traditionally disregards the body. Kim states ?_oWith the strides and gains made through the #MeToo movement, I believe the time is right for a book like this to make an impact. As a female poet, I know there is a need for such a book to examine the intersection between writing, performing, feminism and sexism.?__I wish this book had been written when I first started working as a freelance writer and I?_Tve had many conversations with other female poets who have also confirmed my thinking ?_" that female poets are navigating these things regularly, and yet nobody is really writing or talking about them.?__?__?__ The book draws on her experiences of writing and performing the poems in her second collection All the Men I Never Married. It is a balance of memoir, academic treatise and poetry, though the author?_Ts emphasis is on writing in a popular way and making the subject accessible to a wide audience. To achieve this her models have been Maggie Nelson?_Ts?__Bluets, Claudia Rankine?_Ts?__Citizen?__and Sarah Ahmed?_Ts?__Living a Feminist Life.?__?__ The book?_Ts subjects include heckling at poetry readings and other interactions; problems with the ?_~male gaze?_T and what the ?_~female gaze?_T might look like in poetry; ?_~guilty for being a man?_T: how guilt can be useful if it can bring about change; how writing poetry about sexism can shed add meaning to the term; the objectification of men and women, and ?_~bad faith?_T arguments.
Binding: Paperback / softback

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